Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A hominid were a taxonomic family on Earth, part of the primates. Among the hominids were the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and Human species. On other worlds, ape-like creature filled the same void, and were recognized as being akin or predecessors to many humanoid or other primate species.

According to Vorta lore, before they were first encountered by the Founders, they existed as forest dwellers, specifically, "Small, timid, ape-like creatures living in hollowed out trees." (DS9: "Treachery, Faith and the Great River")

The Xindi-Primates were described as being similar to Humans in so far as being "ape-like." (ENT: "The Shipment")

Mugatos were identified by James T. Kirk as being "ape-like carnivores". (TOS: "A Private Little War")

On planets other than Earth, proto-hominids could develop. (TNG: "The Chase")

In 2370, Barclay's Protomorphosis Syndrome changed William T. Riker into one of the earlier hominids, specifically Australopithecine. (TNG: "Genesis")

Later that year, Q referred to Humans, in comparison to the Q, as being an "ape-like race". (TNG: "All Good Things...")

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