Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
USS Voyager over Golden Gate Bridge

USS Voyager's homecoming celebration in 2394

For additional meanings of "Homecoming", please see Homecoming.

A homecoming was a traditional event that welcomed back those who have been absent from home for a long period of time. These were often celebrated in the form of a welcome home party.

In an excerpt of a communique written by Doctor Phlox to Doctor Jeremy Lucas, Phlox noted that "Despite the tragic circumstances surrounding your homecoming, Doctor Lucas, you must be happy to return to Earth." (ENT: "Doctor's Orders")

In 2369, the USS Enterprise-D arrived at Research Station 75 to take aboard a Federation citizen, Ensign DeSeve, who defected to the Romulan Empire. According to Captain Jean-Luc Picard's captain's log, he expected that DeSeve's "homecoming will undoubtedly be difficult." (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy")

When Q attempted to entire Captain Kathryn Janeway to rule in against allowing Q to become a mortal Human, he offered to return their ship home, asking her, "I know how to show a girl a good time. How would you like a ticker tape parade down Sri Lanka Boulevard? The captain who brought Voyager back. A celebrated hero." (VOY: "Death Wish")

In an alternate timeline, when Harry Kim and Chakotay were the sole survivors to return from the Delta Quadrant from the USS Voyager, Kim recalled the homecoming to The Doctor, several years later. Kim described the display "antimatter fireworks, long-winded dignitaries, a Vulcan children's choir. Oh, we got medals pinned to our tunics. Chakotay gave a speech commemorating the Voyager crew. Brought a tear to everyone's eye." In the years that followed, Kim attempted to find where Voyager had crashed, and while he felt he was close to locating the wreckage, he soon found that "All those admirals who shook my hand at the homecoming. I went to see every last one of them, begged them to keep the search alive," but they were all no longer willing to entertain Kim's request. (VOY: "Timeless")

When the Ferengi modified hologram of Reginald Barclay spoke to Seven of Nine what to anticipate on their planned return to Earth in 2377 – something she planned on working through repairing Voyager – he told her "if you're too busy working, you're going to miss all the welcome home hoopla. Starfleet's planning parties, ceremonies and speeches. There's, there's a ticker tape parade down Market Street." (VOY: "Inside Man")

In the original, but later alternate timeline, that existed when Voyager returned to in 2394, Voyager's homecoming celebration included fireworks and a large crowd of celebrants observing Voyager perform aerobatics over San Francisco Bay as they watched from the Golden Gate Bridge. (VOY: "Endgame")

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