Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Hockey injuries

Hockey uniforms and gear

Hockey on television

A hockey game

Hockey was a Human sport played by two teams in heavy protective gear on ice skates, trying to get a puck into one of two goals on a field of ice using a hockey stick. Like some other sports, each player wore a number on their jersey.

In 2376, B'Elanna Torres gave Tom Paris a television set, and one of the first things he watched on it was an old hockey game. While he was engrossed in the game, Torres tried to tell him about the recent events, but eventually she realized that he wasn't paying attention, and that getting him a TV may have been a mistake. (VOY: "Memorial")

Paris had a hockey holoprogram aboard the USS Voyager that Harry Kim was familiar with. That same year, he thought a skate-toting Kim was going to try his program. Instead, the ensign informed Paris that he and Lyndsay Ballard were going ice skating. (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")

In 2377, Paris and Kim played the program together. The Nausicaan guard for the other team was very good, and aggressive, having high sticked them a number of times. The two officers left the program with many bruises on their faces. They were worried that The Doctor was going to yell at them again, as they often got bruised up when playing hockey and other sports on the holodeck. (VOY: "Critical Care")

The video game Star Trek: Starship Creator lists ice hockey as an interest of Allenby.

The Stanley Cup, one of professional hockey's most coveted trophies, once visited the set of Star Trek: Enterprise. [1]

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