Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The holograms' ship was Hirogen starship that was commandeered by Iden and a number of Hirogen-created holograms in 2377. It was the vehicle used to drive Iden's Rebellion. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")

This ship was identified in the episode as the "Holograms' ship", or in the script as "the holograms' highjacked Hirogen ship". The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 357 described it as "Iden's ship". The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives the name of Iden's ship as Olarra.

Technical data[]

Hirogen holoship shematics

Location of holo-emitter power gnerator

Conceptually similar to a Federation holoship, it was equipped with Starfleet holo-emitters, which served as an independent sub-system with its own power generator. They were protected by three layers of ablative armor.

Such a vessel could be hidden from sensors by the implementation of a scattering field, which was otherwise denoted by elevated plasma readings, and could be pinpointed by scanning for a polarized EM signatures.

This class possessed phasers, shields, and were capable of operating in a stealth mode.

It also possessed transporter technology, and escape pods, which could not be launched at warp. Hirogen sensors could detect residual ion emissions.

Hirogen vessels produced an ion wake approximately five thousand meters long. Inside it, there was too much interference for their sensors to detect anything.

The ship was described in the script as "a different configuration than the other Hirogen ships we've seen, sleeker and more menacing."

Interior design[]


A ready room was adjacently attached to the bridge. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")

According to the script, "The command center of the hijacked Hirogen ship. Dark, imposing, filled with weaponry and tactical technology (as seen in the episode "Hunters".)"


Holograms' ship lab

The lab

The lab was where the holograms created their photonic field generator. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")

According to the script, "Harnesses and restraints adorn the bulkheads, a preparation table stands in the middle of the room. This is where the Hirogen would prepare their recently killed prey, but the Holograms have converted it into a makeshift science lab.
