Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Henry Starling Himalayas

Henry Starling in the Himalayas

The Himalayas were the highest mountain range on planet Earth, located on the continent of Asia. Both Mount Everest (the highest point above sea level on Earth) as well as the Tibetan plateau were located here.

A photograph of Henry Starling standing on a plateau in front of Nuptse, a mountain in the Himalayas, was displayed in his office at the Chronowerx Industries building. (VOY: "Future's End")

In 2367, a holodeck program existed that recreated an ancient trail along the Kabul River in the Himalayas for use during virtual horseback riding. (TNG: "The Loss")

In a holonovel owned by Julian Bashir, Doctor Hippocrates Noah had a secret base on Mount Everest in the Himalayas, which would be the only place left above water when he fired lasers into the Earth's core to release magma and settle the Earth's tectonic plates. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")

Klingon Council

Klingon capital with mountains

In a line of dialogue scripted for ENT: "Strange New World" but not used in that episode, the Himalayas were mentioned by Crewman Ethan Novakovich; he remarked that the mountains on Archer IV seemed to be taller than the Himalayas.

The Klingon capital as seen in Star Trek: Enterprise was conceptualized as up in the equivalent of the Himalayas. ("The Art of Alien Worlds", VOY Season 4 DVD, special feature)

In AT: "Lethe", James Frain joked that for their fight scene in "Lethe", he and Sonequa Martin-Green trained for a month on a remote Himalayan mountaintop with Shaolin monks.

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