Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Explosives r3

Details on the material (top)

Grant thermite 893 was a suspension-based compound used in remote spectroscopy vaporization devices. This compound was provided in .005 gram pellets for field spectroscopy tricorder use and 0.2 kilogram charges for use in long-range impact probes. Per SFRA 83329.6, personnel handling this compound had to protect it from ionizing radiation. In 2367, this compound was stored on aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D.

In that year, Grant thermite 893 was on a list of explosives that Lieutenant Commander Data and Counselor Deanna Troi searched through in an attempt to find one that could produce enough energy to release the USS Enterprise-D and an alien ship from the Tyken's Rift. (TNG: "Night Terrors", okudagram)

This compound was named after David Grant, an employee at CBS Home Entertainment. [1]
