Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Gorn hunter ship was a type of small warship employed by the Gorn Hegemony during the 23rd century. It was armed with plasma weapons and was capable of atmospheric flight. The ship could generate a hologram to conceal itself from sensors, though a scan for polarized EM signatures would expose it as an optical distortion. Like the much larger Gorn destroyer, Gorn hunters projected patterns of light for inter-ship communication.

La'an Noonien-Singh and her brother Manu frequently saw Gorn hunters overhead while they were held captive on a Gorn breeding planet.

USS Enterprise and Gorn vessel, 2259

The Gorn hunter facing the USS Enterprise.

In 2259, the USS Enterprise was attacked by three Gorn hunters and a Gorn destroyer near Finibus III. Hiding inside a brown dwarf, the Enterprise destroyed one of the hunters with an unguided photon torpedo, and another by luring it to such a depth that it imploded from atmospheric pressure. The third hunter was destroyed when the shuttlecraft Galileo transmitted a light code to the destroyer claiming that the hunter had been taken over by Humans, causing it to fire on the smaller craft. (SNW: "Memento Mori")

Later that year, three Gorn hunters participated in the attack on the USS Cayuga and the colony on Parnassus Beta. They and a destroyer subsequently engaged the Enterprise over the planet. (SNW: "Hegemony")
