Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ghee P'Trell was a top chirurgeon on Andoria, who conducted some remarkable research in the field of gerontology.

In 2371, Ghee P'Trell was among the candidates nominated by the Federation Medical Council for that year's prestigious Carrington Award for his work in that field. (DS9: "Prophet Motive")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

P'Trell is mentioned in the novel Articles of the Federation, set in 2380, where he is Head of Starfleet Medical. In the novel, P'Trell is a Caitian who was raised on Andor and holds an Andorian medical qualification. This was done by the author to explain why P'Trell's name doesn't follow the Andorian naming conventions established in the DS9 relaunch novels. Later novels would establish that Andorians have a variety of naming conventions.

P'Trell appeared as an Andorian in the Star Trek Online mission "The Ultimate Klingon", which depicted him working at Korvat colony. He was later replaced in the Victory is Life expansion by Julian Bashir.

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