Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" was a Human song sung to celebrate significant milestones in an individual's life.

In an alternate quantum reality, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D sang "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" in Klingonese for Worf at his surprise birthday party in 2370. Counselor Deanna Troi translated it, but had problems as there was "no Klingon word for "jolly"." (TNG: "Parallels")

It was sung when Benjamin Sisko was promoted from commander to captain in late 2371 and to Chief O'Brien on his birthday in 2373. (DS9: "The Adversary", "The Assignment")

It was also sung to Kes on her ninth birthday in 2378 in an alternate timeline. (VOY: "Before and After")


For he's a jolly good fellow.
For he's a jolly good fellow.
For he's a jolly good fellow!
Which nobody can deny.
Which nobody can deny.
Which nobody can deny.
For he's a jolly good fellow.
Which nobody can deny.

Klingon translation[]

cha wo'rIv toHgaHnaH lo pIre'toq
cha wo'rIv toHgaHnaH lo pIre'toq
cha wo'rIv toHgaHnaH lo pIre'toq
Tu Mak Dagh Cha doh Borak!

This song is often used to replace the song "Happy Birthday to You" in media because it is free to use and in the public domain, whereas "Happy Birthday" only became public domain in the United States in 2016. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, 2nd ed., p. 276)

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