Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Crisis Point - The Rise of Vindicta title card

"Woah, nice font."

For Star Trek production fonts, please see Star Trek fonts.

A font was a common design of stylized text of a written language.

In 2257, Hugh Culber joked with Jett Reno that while planning a wedding a micromanaging romantic partner might consider "acceptable guestbook calligraphic fonts.'" (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")

In 2380, Ensign Sam Rutherford went to download mission-relevant information into his cybernetic implant, but also had to wait for updates to his Klingon fonts to finish installing. (LD: "Veritas")

When Beckett Mariner quickly reprogrammed Brad Boimler's holodeck training program into Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta, Ensign Rutherford commended her font choice for the opening credits. (LD: "Crisis Point")

The Rise of Vindicta credits were made to resemble the TNG Season 5 "warp effect" opening credits.

The font which Rutherford admired (which was also used in the titles of Star Trek: Lower Decks and Star Trek: The Next Generation) is Crillee Italic.

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