Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A field medic was a crewman who served as a medic in the field. They were primarily responsible for providing first aid and care for the wounded in the absence of medical support personnel.

Phlox served as a medic in the Denobulan Infantry early in his career. Later in his career, he issued the warning that, "If I learned anything from that experience, it's that battlefields are unpredictable places, even under a flag of truce." (ENT: "Cease Fire")

Following the stranding of the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant in 2371, which left the ship without a chief medical officer and with only an Emergency Medical Hologram that was limited to sickbay, Commander Chakotay suggested that they should assign someone "to train with the hologram as a field medic." Captain Kathryn Janeway, who recalled that Lieutenant Tom Paris had studied biochemistry at Starfleet Academy – which he explained was merely for two semesters – deemed him qualified to volunteer to become a field medic. (VOY: "Parallax") Later that year, while assisting The Doctor in sickbay, The Doctor noted Paris' lackluster abilities, commenting that "The man drives a seven hundred thousand ton starship, so somebody thinks he'd make a good medic." (VOY: "Phage") Still later that year, when The Doctor took his first away mission onto the holodeck, Janeway indicated that in his absence, Paris was reassigned as the ship's "temporary medic" until The Doctor returned. (VOY: "Cathexis")

During the Battle of Ajilon Prime in early 2373, an injured ensign recounted the battle against the Klingons, recalling how he had watched one of his fellow soldiers, Sully, get hit in the leg and later be pulled off the line by the medics. After observing this, he had wished that he was the one who had been hit in the leg. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")

When Voyager later investigated ground zero of an Omega particle explosion in 2374, Captain Janeway ordered Paris to join the away team because she knew that they would need a field medic along. (VOY: "The Omega Directive") Simultaneously, Paris was also considered to be The Doctor's medical assistant. (VOY: "Year of Hell", "Vis à Vis")

By 2375, The Doctor admitted that Paris was "a competent medic to boot, but don't say I said so." (VOY: "Bride of Chaotica!") Neelix, too, had received some training as a field medic. When The Doctor's program went offline on the Silver Blood Voyager the same year, the biomimetic duplicate of Neelix was drafted as the ship's new medical officer, since Tom Paris's duplicate was incapacitated. (VOY: "Course: Oblivion")

In 2377, when Lewis Zimmerman was faced being treated by an "obsolete" EMH Mark I, he claimed he would be "better off being treated by a Klingon field medic." (VOY: "Life Line") The same year, Paris was considered by Chakotay to be the ship's "chief medic"; however, still as of two years later, when asked if he was a doctor, Paris humbly explained that he was "just a medic." (VOY: "Shattered", "Friendship One")

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