Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Felicium plant

Graphic of a felicium plant


Felicium drug

Felicium molecular structure

Molecular structure of felicium

Felicium was the name of a plant native to the planet Brekka, as well as of the narcotic drug extracted from it. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

Originally developed as a vaccine, felicium prevented the spread of a plague that existed on Brekka's neighboring planet, Ornara in the 22nd century. It was made by a complex and expensive process, including the harvesting and cultivation of the originating plant, and its distillation into the final product.

The euphoria experienced when taking felicium was immediate and seemed to be somewhat sedative and pain relieving, similar to planet Earth's opiates. After taking the drug, the individual would eventually experience withdrawal symptoms within 72 hours.

The vaccine was supplied by the Brekkians in exchange for goods. Even after the plague was over, the Ornarans had unknowingly become addicted to the vaccine, the terrible withdrawal symptoms leading them to think they were still affected by the disease, and Brekka continued to produce it for them in a profitable business. By the 24th century it became the Brekkians' sole industry and only product. As years passed, the Brekkians refined the drug to make it more and more potent.

In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D rescued a vessel carrying felicium and various merchandise.

At this time, the standard dosage according to Langor and Sobi was 0.01 milliliters. Dr. Beverly Crusher was of the opinion that this was "very potent". Depending on the individual, this dose would last anywhere up to 72 hours. (TNG: "Symbiosis")

"fell-EE-see-um" was the pronunciation for this narcotic's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1]

The term "felicity" means happiness, which the drug supposedly provided.
