Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Branson death

The explosive decompression that killed Lieutenant Branson

Explosive decompression, USS Voyager

An airlock on the USS Voyager undergoing explosive decompression

"You were right. Somebody blew out the hatch. They were all sucked out into space."
"Correction, sir. That's blown out."

Explosive decompression is a violent, sudden drop in ambient air pressure that occurs within one tenth of a second when in space.

Opening, disabling, or the failure of the containment fields around airlocks and external hatches, such as those found in shuttlebays and cargo bays, or a major hull breach while in any environment of substantially lower pressure, will result in an explosive decompression. Decompressing the main shuttlebay aboard a Galaxy-class starship would cause a reaction sufficient enough to move the ship. (TNG: "Contagion", "Disaster", "Cause And Effect")

In 2154, Enterprise NX-01 lost several crew members, including Jane Taylor, to an explosive decompression during the Battle of Azati Prime. (ENT: "Azati Prime", "Damage")

In 2233 of the alternate reality, at least one USS Kelvin officer was blown into space through a hull breach during a battle with the Narada. (Star Trek)

In 2256, at the Battle of the Binary Stars, Ensign Danby Connor was killed when a hull breach on the USS Shenzhou caused explosive decompression of the brig. As her cell force fields began to fail, Commander Michael Burnham used explosive decompression as a means to propel herself towards the habitable area of the ship, saving her life in the process. (DIS: "Battle at the Binary Stars")

The following year, two USS Discovery crewmembers were blown into space when the ship's hull was breached during the Battle near Xahea. Philippa Georgiou, Commander D. Nhan, and Control inside Leland's body, who had been engaged in hand-to-hand combat in that corridor, managed to hold on until an emergency bulkhead closed and sealed the breach. (DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2")

In 2259 of the alternate reality, the USS Vengeance caught up with the USS Enterprise mid-warp and fired at the starboard section of the engineering hull, breaching the bulkhead and blowing out several crewmembers. A while later, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott opened the airlock in Hanger 7 aboard the Vengeance to allow access for Captain James T. Kirk and Khan Noonien Singh. A Section 31 security officer was blown into space as a result. (Star Trek Into Darkness)

In 2263 of the alternate reality, the Enterprise was destroyed by Krall's army of swarm ships above Altamid as they violently tore through both hulls in various sections, blowing countless crewmembers out into space. (Star Trek Beyond)

In 2364, several members of the SS Tsiolkovsky's bridge crew, who were suffering from polywater intoxication, opened an emergency hatch and were blown out into space. Commander William T. Riker had initially indicated that they were "sucked out" into space before being corrected by Lieutenant Commander Data, stating that Riker's comment was a "common mistake". (TNG: "The Naked Now")

In 2367, the USS Enterprise-D attempted to remove Junior from its dorsal section by depressurizing Shuttlebay 2. The explosive decompression failed to dislodge the alien baby though. (TNG: "Galaxy's Child")

That same year, after the Enterprise-D began experiencing strange subspace phenomena inside a nebula, Captain Jean-Luc Picard ordered a course out of the nebula at warp one. This resulted in an explosive decompression on deck 37. (TNG: "In Theory")

In 2368, the Enterprise-D decompressed its main shuttlebay in order to avoid a collision with the USS Bozeman. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")

When Dukat was a Glinn serving aboard the Cardassian starship Kornaire, one of his duties was to clean out a compartment where three men had been killed by explosive decompression. In 2374, he told Captain Benjamin Sisko that he "didn't sleep for a week after that". (DS9: "Waltz")

In 2372, the USS Voyager experienced an explosive decompression on deck 15 which killed Ensign Harry Kim. (VOY: "Deadlock")

While in command of Voyager in 2374, Chakotay ordered an explosive decompression to kill the Borg in Cargo Bay 2. Only one Borg drone, Seven of Nine, managed to survive. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")

During the Battle in the Bassen Rift in 2379, the Reman warbird Scimitar launched a volley of photon torpedoes at the USS Enterprise-E's bridge, resulting in an explosive decompression which killed Lieutenant Branson. (Star Trek Nemesis)

In 2381, the crew of the USS Cerritos was put through various holographic training drills by Shari yn Yem. Ensign Beckett Mariner was given a test to deal with the crew suffering from Polywater intoxication. The sight of the simulated crew, who were naked and participating in an orgy, was too much for Mariner, and she opened the airlock to jettison the holographic crew, as well as herself, so as to end the simulation. (LD: "I, Excretus")

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