Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Evaluation laboratory sign

A sign for the evaluation laboratory

The evaluation laboratory was a laboratory aboard USS Enterprise. The laboratory was next to or very near to the ship's auxiliary control center. A wall-mounted piece of equipment was outside the main entrance to the laboratory, while down the corridor was the entrance to a vertical Jefferies tube as well as a wall-mounted communications panel.

In 2268, after fleeing auxiliary control, whose personnel were under control of Gorgan, James T. Kirk and Spock stood outside the evaluation laboratory and discussed what actions were needed in order to regain control of the ship. The two were interrupted by Tommy Starnes, controlling the minds of Pavel Chekov and two security officers, who had come to arrest the two under supposed orders from Starfleet Command. Starnes stood in the corridor outside the evaluation laboratory watching, before Kirk and Spock overpowered Chekov and his men. Starnes then fled back down the corridor. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead")
