Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Sylvia releases quadruple espresso

"Espresso, I release you."

An espresso was a type of highly-caffeinated coffee beverage.

In 2257, a stressed Sylvia Tilly ordered a "quadruple espresso with milk alternative" from a matter synthesizer on the USS Discovery, ignoring the computer's warning regarding ill-advised caffeine content. She then stated that she would remember to expect nothing, even from the espresso, and stated to the espresso that she released it. She ultimately did not get to enjoy it, due to a strange malfunction in the mess hall. (ST: "Runaway")

Later that year, Tilly had several medically inadvisable espressos while recovering from an injury in Discovery's sickbay. (DIS: "New Eden")

Jett Reno suggested Paul Stamets "double up" on his espresso, as the two of them would have their work cut out for them integrating a time crystal into the Red Angel suit. (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")

In 3189, Michael Burnham ordered an espresso aboard Cleveland Booker's ship. Upon deciding not to have the espresso, she asked Philippa Georgiou if she wanted the espresso. Georgiou replied in the negative. (DIS: "Scavengers")

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