Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

An erigah was a Breen blood bounty, the target of which would be relentlessly hunted for the remainder of their life. Once declared, an erigah was impossible to lift.

L'ak brought an erigah upon himself and his lover Moll from his uncle, Primarch Ruhn, for turning against him to save her life. In 3191, he and Moll decided to pursue a Progenitor technology of great power in the hopes that giving it to the Breen could erase the bounty. However, Captain Michael Burnham warned him that it was more likely the Breen would kill them both and take the technology anyway. (DIS: "Mirrors")

After Moll and L'ak were apprehended by the Federation, Ruhn arrived at Federation Headquarters to collect the erigah. He rejected the Federation's offer of 45 metric tons of raw dilithium for them, stating that the erigah could only be repaid in blood. Ruhn's true motive, though, was to exploit L'ak's descent from the late Breen emperor in his own bid to seize the throne. (DIS: "Erigah")
