Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Spock, McCoy and Kirk camping

A campsite at Yosemite National Park

A campsite was a location used for camping, where equipment such as tents could be set up for shelter.

In 2151, upon his landing party realizing they must've left their food packs at the campsite, Travis Mayweather volunteered to retrieve them. He later reported having seen someone near the site to the group. (ENT: "Strange New World")

Later that year, Jonathan Archer, Hoshi Sato, Malcolm Reed and T'Pol located an Eska campsite on the rogue planet Dakala. (ENT: "Rogue Planet")

In 2153, Mayweather located the campsite of three Denobulans missing on Xantoras. (ENT: "The Breach")

In 2154, Archer surmised that the Klingons that left evidence of a campsite must have also suffered the effects of a virus. (ENT: "Observer Effect")

In 2370, Nikolai Rozhenko asked Worf to have Geordi LaForge create a suitable (holographic) campsite for the Boraalans during their simulated migration to a new home. (TNG: "Homeward")

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