Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Emergency bulkheads were barriers which could be engaged to contain areas on a starship which had suffered heavy damage and had decompressed. This had the effect of isolating the decompressed area from the rest of the ship. (TNG: "Disaster")

Before the regular use of force fields on Starfleet vessels to contain hull breaches, emergency bulkheads were standard. Enterprise NX-01 was equipped with emergency bulkheads, which were used extensively during their mission whenever a hull breach occurred. (ENT: "Minefield", "Anomaly (ENT)", "Rajiin", "Stratagem", "Damage") Emergency bulkheads were also aboard Vulcan ships, such as the D'kyr-type combat cruiser Seleya. (ENT: "Impulse")

Aboard the USS Enterprise-D, an automated isolation protocol, also known as confinement mode, would be activated to isolate hull breaches in certain situations. (TNG: "Disaster")

Emergency bulkheads were installed in turboshafts and could be initiated to stop a turbolift from falling or to restrict access for unwanted passengers of a turbocar. (TNG: "Power Play")

Emergency bulkheads are also installed as a prerequisite for structural damage when a starship encounters a hostile environment or situation. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")

See also[]
