Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Hologram Janeway

Hologram Janeway, the Emergency Training Hologram aboard the USS Protostar

The Emergency Training Hologram (ETH) or advisory hologram was an adaptive holoprogram developed during the late 24th century by Starfleet for use aboard Federation starships as a training advisor. (PRO: "Masquerade")

Hologram Janeway was designated as the ETH aboard the USS Protostar and was first activated in 2383 by Rok-Tahk. Her role was primarily to teach her new crew, who had no knowledge of the Federation and Starfleet, those organizations' philosophies and methods. (PRO: "Lost and Found", et al.) Hologram Janeway was created so that Captain Chakotay would have the real Kathryn Janeway with him in a way as she refused to ever return to the Delta Quadrant. (PRO: "Asylum")

In 2385, Hologram Janeway received an upgrade to Emergency Command Hologram of the USS Prodigy. (PRO: "Ouroboros, Part II")

This term was derived from the official "Hologram Janeway" biography from Nickelodeon [1] and has not yet been used on screen.
