Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
La Forge and Remmick using an elevator

An elevator in main engineering

Starfleet hq elevator

An alternate reality elevator

An elevator was a piece of technology that was used to travel to various floors of a building, starship, or facility.

Elevators were used on Earth as early as the late 20th century. Mercy Hospital in San Francisco had separate elevators for visitors and employees with patients, the distinction being communicated using signs. Two interns at Mercy Hospital were discussing the different views of the doctors Gottlieb and Weintraub when James T. Kirk, Gillian Taylor, and Leonard McCoy joined them in an elevator. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Turbolifts were sometimes referred to by the more common term elevator. When Saavik halted one of the Enterprise's turbolifts to inquire of Admiral Kirk how he had beat the Kobayashi Maru scenario, he didn't answer. By the time Kirk finally resumed the turbolift's course and the doors opened, an irate Doctor McCoy was waiting for them. His first words upon seeing them were "Who's been holding up the damn elevator?" (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

In 2287, when Spock was equipped with levitation boots, carrying Kirk up Turbo Shaft # 3, when he reached Doctor McCoy, he told them "You two go ahead I'll wait for the next [elevator] car." (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)

An elevator was in use in main engineering aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise-D in 2364 to travel from the first to the second floor. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint", "Lonely Among Us", "Coming of Age", "The Drumhead", "The Game")

The recreation of the hotel of the novel Hotel Royale contained an elevator, which Worf mistook for being turbolift. He approached it, expecting the doors to open automatically, but found that they required manual operation instead. (TNG: "The Royale")

For using the elevator in the Tower of Commerce, Ferengi had to pay seven strips of latinum. (DS9: "Family Business")

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