Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Drawing room, 221B Baker Street

Drawing room at 221B Baker Street

A drawing room or sitting room was a room where visitors to a home could gather and interact. The term was out of fashion sometime after the 19th century and was later replaced by the more modern living room. Similarly, a parlor was more specifically associated with social status where guests could be entertained. Forms of entertainment practiced there included parlor tricks and parlor games, terms which were also often used metaphorically.

In 2267, following Trelane's revelation that he could change the shape of matter, James T. Kirk asked if he created his drawing room by doing so. Trelane confirmed his supposition. In the process of transporting the landing party back to Gothos after Spock beamed them back to the USS Enterprise, he described it as more "appropriate", "tasteful" and "fitting" for their socialization. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")

In 2285, Nyota Uhura welcomed James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, and Hikaru Sulu to the transporter room at Old City Station, metaphorically referring to it as her parlor. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

In 2369, while running Sherlock Holmes Program 3A, Reginald Barclay asked the holodeck computer to materialize the drawing room at 221B Baker Street (TNG: "Ship In A Bottle")

In 2371, while Kathryn Janeway played the Janeway Lambda One holoprogram, Templeton showed her character "Lucille Davenport" into the drawing room to wait for Lord Burleigh there. (VOY: "Cathexis")

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