Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

Ramart holding Evans' dossier

A dossier was a file that recorded an individual's personal history. Unlike a personnel file, it applied to civilians as well as Starfleet members.

In 2266, upon transferring Charles Evans to the USS Enterprise, Captain Ramart supplied his dossier. (TOS: "Charlie X")

Later that year, Spock requested full personal dossiers on Doctor Thomas Leighton, Anton Karidian, Lieutenant Kevin Riley, and Captain James T. Kirk from the Enterprise's library computer, in an attempt to find correlations between them. This analysis revealed that Leighton, Riley, and Kirk were all survivors of the Tarsus IV colony massacre, and that Karidian's known history began shortly after Kodos the executioner's disappearance. (TOS: "The Conscience of the King")

Ramdha, a Romulan xB, had a Romulan dossier which Soji Asha claimed to have read. This was very surprising to Hugh, the executive director of the project she worked on, as the idea that he could have read the dossier seemed absurd to him. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning")

In 3191, the file identifier for Moll in the Federation Watch List was Moll39332-3930. (DIS: "Mirrors")

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