Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Divine Treasury antechamber

Quark in the antechamber of the Divine Treasury in his dream.

According to Ferengi spiritual beliefs, the Divine Treasury was the afterlife to which financially successful Ferengi progress after death. It was believed to be made of pure latinum. (DS9: "Little Green Men"; VOY: "False Profits")

The Registrar greets the recently deceased at the gates to the Divine Treasury. If the Registrar finds the arrival worthy, he will accept their bribe and usher them inside. (DS9: "Body Parts") Once inside, the deceased are met by the Blessed Exchequer who reviews their profit and loss statements. If a Ferengi leads a profitable life, they are allowed to bid on a new life under the supervision of the Celestial Auctioneers. (DS9: "Little Green Men")

After Rom fainted as a result of being inflicted "with a seeping infection" in his tympanic membrane" in 2372, Doctor Julian Bashir chastised him for waiting nearly three weeks for finally getting treatment. He warned that had Rom waited another forty-eight hours, he would have likely died, and he would have been "bidding for a new life in the Divine Treasury." (DS9: "Bar Association")

The following year, after Nog had returned to Deep Space 9 for his sophomore-year field study, and was assigned quarters with Jake Sisko. When Sisko showed him the quarters for the first time, Nog claimed that he thought he had "died and gone to the Divine Treasury", even describing it as "paradise", following his past years' experience living in the cadet barracks at Starfleet Academy. (DS9: "The Ascent")

By 2375, over forty percent of the Ferengi population reportedly no longer believed in buying one's way into the Divine Treasury. This was a consequence of the sweeping reforms Grand Nagus Zek had instituted by this time. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

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