Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Rutherford and Boimler play Diplomath

Rutherford and Boimler playing Diplomath

Diplomath was a board game for two or more players. It simulated negotiating a business contract and involved a great deal of math and graphing; the objective was to close on a deal acceptable to all parties (even if that meant all the players losing). It was played on a two-level octagonal board on which various colored tokens were stacked, and also used reference cards, dice, and PADDs. One possible offer in the game was a "10% gratuity on a biannual basis".

In 2381, Ensigns Brad Boimler and Sam Rutherford played Diplomath in the mess hall of the USS Cerritos. After the game ended with them both losing, they were mocked for their "embarrassing hobby" by Beckett Mariner. However, after their mission to Frylon IV, Mariner decided to join Boimler and Rutherford in their next game, and unbeknownst to her, was soundly winning despite her limited understanding of it. (LD: "Mugato, Gumato")

Later that year, Rutherford decided to delete his backup copies of memories containing D'Vana Tendi from his cybernetic implant. Among the redundant memories deleted by Rutherford was one of himself and Tendi playing Diplomath. (LD: "First First Contact")
