Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) enters asteroid field

The Enterprise enters the Devolin asteroid field

Devolin system asteroids

Partial map of asteroid field in Devolin system

The Devolin system was a star system in the Beta Quadrant. (PIC: "Disengage")

This system contained both a great deal of ionizing radiation and a large asteroid field, which included such specific asteroids as Alpha 331, Beta 071, and Gamma-601. This system was located in Sector 1607.

In 2358, the USS Pegasus drifted into the system, having suffered heavy damage from a large explosion in main engineering. The ship was testing an experimental (and illegal) phasing cloaking device. Still in a phased state, the ship passed in to a large asteroid, at which point the cloak failed and the ship dephased, with around two-thirds of the ship materializing inside solid rock. The explosion, along with the hull breaches caused by the failure of the cloak, killed everyone aboard.

In 2370, the Romulan warbird Terix entered the system and discovered wreckage from the Pegasus. Starfleet learned of this and dispatched the USS Enterprise-D to locate the ship first. They were successful, but their attempts to recover the phasing cloak were hindered when the Romulans sealed the Enterprise inside the asteroid. The Enterprise was able to escape using the phasing cloak to pass through the rock. (TNG: "The Pegasus"; ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

In 2401, this system's position was labeled on a star chart used by Captain William T. Riker during his attempt at finding the last known location of the SS Eleos XII. (PIC: "The Next Generation")

In the script, the Devolin system is described as "...a solar system that never coalesced into discrete planetary bodies. It's a swirling disc of rocks and other matter." Devolin is pronounce "DEH-vo-lan". [1]

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 66) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Devolin system's primary was an A-class star.

In the episode "Disengage", the location of this star system was seen on the bridge of the SS Eleos XII on what appears to be an updated chart from Star Trek: Star Charts. Dave Blass published pictures of the set on his website.

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