Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A list of unnamed Denevans, a group of Humans who inhabited Deneva colony.

Named []


Colonist #1 []

Denevan 1

A Denevan

Denevan 1 was infected by an alien flying parasite. When the USS Enterprise landing party arrived on the planet, he was part of a mob that attacked the landing party. Once he and the others were stunned, Dr. McCoy was able to determine that the parasites controlled them by inflicting pain through the hosts' nervous systems. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

The Denevan was played by Fred Carson.

Colonist #2 []

Denevan 2

A Denevan

Denevan 2 infected by an alien neural parasite that controlled him by inflicting pain through his nervous system. He and three other men attacked the Enterprise landing party with clubs. They screamed "Go away! We don't want to hurt you!" He and the others tried to harm the crew anyway, forcing the landing party to stun them. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

This Denevan was played by Jerry Catron.

Colonist #3 []

Denevan 3

A blond Denevan

Denevan 3 was infected by a neural parasite that controlled him by inflicting pain through his nervous system. He and infected Devevans attacked the Enterprise landing party with clubs. He and the others tried to harm the landing party, forcing the landing party to stun them. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

This Denevan was played by an unknown actor.

Colonist #4 []

Denevan 4

A Denevan

Denevan 4 was part of a group that attacked the Enterprise landing party with clubs. Like the others he was infected by a neural parasite that controlled him by inflicting pain through his nervous system. He and the others were stunned by phaser fire from the landing party. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

This Denevan was played by stunt actor Robert Bralver who received no credit for this appearance.

Pilot []

Denevan starship

A Denevan ship

This pilot flew his ship into the Denevan sun releasing himself from the parasites that were infesting the colony. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!")

The pilot was voiced by an unknown actor. The Star Trek History website suggests that he was voiced by Paul Carr. [1]

The novelization of the episode by James Blish gives the pilot's name as Noban (β). In the comic story "Echoes of Yesterday" the pilot is revealed to be Peter Kirk, who traveled back in time in an attempt to save his parents only to become infected by the parasites himself.

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