Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Comparative Xenobiology

A Denebian slime devil (bottom right)

A Denebian slime devil (Denebia carnivora) was a foul animal from the planet Deneb IV.

In 2268, the Klingon Korax compared James T. Kirk to a Denebian slime devil, an insult that offended Pavel Chekov. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles"; DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")

Information about Denebian slime devils was displayed by the computer as an LCARS graphic in Keiko O'Brien's schoolroom on Deep Space 9 in 2369. (DS9: "A Man Alone", "The Nagus" okudagram)


Background information[]

Multi-eyed alien drawing

Painting in McCoy's office

The artwork used in the graphic which identified the Denebian slime devil on screen originates from an entry in the Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual, published in 1977.

According to the recreated production art[1] shown in the Star Trek Original Series Set Tour owner James Cawley, the painting of a multi-eyed alien hung in Leonard McCoy's Sickbay office, seen in TOS: "Wink of an Eye", was labeled as a "Denebian slime devil".


The Star Trek Roleplaying Game book, Creatures describes the Denebian slime devil as a carnivorous creature, living in the swamps on Deneb V, which can digest anything from sea animals to Humans. They can vary in sizes from 10 cm to 1 meter, and can mass up to 26 kg.

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