Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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Dehydration was a medical condition in which a body experienced an excessive loss of water. It was also a common symptom of transporter psychosis. (TNG: "Realm Of Fear")

Common symptoms of dehydration included increased thirst and tiredness. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto") In some humanoids (such as Arkonians), dehydration caused acute cellular breakdown which increased the risk of transporter accidents. (ENT: "Dawn")

When in an environment conducive to dehydration (such as a desert), breathing through one's nose helped to prevent the body from losing too much water. Captain Jean-Luc Picard recommended this to Wesley Crusher when the pair crash landed on the moon Lambda Paz in 2367. (TNG: "Final Mission")

Neodextramine solution was a medicine that could be used to treat dehydration. After Harry Kim was forced to return to the USS Voyager from Banea in 2371, he suffered from dehydration in his shuttle. Upon returning, he was given a neodextramine solution. (VOY: "Ex Post Facto")

After finding Bruce Maddox in captivity on Freecloud, Jean-Luc Picard visually diagnosed him as having suffered from dehydration and exposure. (PIC: "Stardust City Rag")

Brad Boimler had recurring issues with dehydration. While engaged in the Borg Encounter training drill in 2381, the holographic Borg Queen told him he needed to drink more water because his skin was "a mess". While playing his holonovel Crisis Point II: Paradoxus a year later, due to being depressed over the apparent senseless death of his transporter clone William Boimler, Boimler became dehydrated to the point that he passed out and was briefly clinically dead. (LD: "I, Excretus", "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus")

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