Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The deflector grid was an important part of Federation starships like the USS Enterprise-D, forming part of the deflector system.

In 2366, a D'deridex-class Romulan warbird attacked the USS Enterprise-D which caused a seventy percent loss to deflector shields. To assist with full shield restoration, Lieutenant Geordi La Forge reconfigured structural integrity power to feed the inner deflector grid by taking some power from the structural integrity field. (TNG: "Tin Man")

In 2369, Geordi La Forge devised a technique, called warp-power transfer, to channel additional energy generated by the warp drive through the EPS mains to the deflector grid, thereby increasing the sensor capacity of the Enterprise-D by twenty-six percent. (TNG: "Schisms")

The USS Rio Grande, the runabout used by Kira Nerys and Julian Bashir in 2370, had a damaged deflector grid. (DS9: "Crossover")
