Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

David Takemura was a Starfleet officer in the 24th century.

In 2364, he was a lieutenant commander aboard the USS Matte Fringe. Prior to stardate 41547.8, according to an order sent by Admiral Daniel Curry of Starfleet Advanced Technologies Division, he had received security clearances to classified material for a project. (TNG: "Conspiracy" okudagram)

In the 2370s, he was listed as a Tactical Ops officer on the dedication plaque of Defiant-class starships. (DS9: "The Die is Cast", dedication plaque; DS9: "Valiant", dedication plaque; DS9: "The Dogs of War", dedication plaque)

In 2372, Takemura was named as one of the yard engineers at the San Francisco Yards who were listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Enterprise-E. (Star Trek: First Contact dedication plaque)

This character was only mentioned in writing.

He was named after visual effects supervisor David Takemura.
