Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

DSC-44 was a 32nd century UFP-02-type Federation shuttlecraft operated by Starfleet. This shuttle was assigned to the USS Discovery.

In 3191, Discovery followed a clue related to the Progenitors' technology to a wormhole the ship was too large to enter. Captain Michael Burnham had Lieutenant Linus prepare shuttlecraft DSC-44, and the Captain and Cleveland Booker took the shuttle into a pocket of interdimensional space where they discovered the abandoned ISS Enterprise. While wrestling the next clue from Moll and L'ak, the shuttle was lost, leaving Burnham and Book to use the Enterprise to escape to normal space. (DIS: "Mirrors")

The registry is from signage seen in the shuttle's interior.
