Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
MA DIS arrowhead
This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.
USS Discovery turbolift controls

Turbolift controls with 17 decks

USS Discovery cutaway - ready room

A cross section of the USS Discovery, with deck plan in the saucer section

USS Discovery evacuation diagram

An evacuation diagram, with deck plan in saucer and engineering sections

The decks of a Crossfield-class Federation starship. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings", et al.)


To account for set changes between season one and two, Star Trek: Discovery art director Jody Clement has suggested that the mess hall seen during season one was on deck 2, and the mess hall from season two was on deck 5. [1]

The Art of Star Trek: Discovery (p. 28) featured a production diagram depicting what deck each of the Discovery's frequently used rooms was intended to be located on.
