Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A cook stove or cooking console was a type of heat unit used for cooking food.

In 2266, in a search for mining chief Ben Childress and Eve McHuron, the USS Enterprise employed infrared scanners for scanning the surface of Rigel XII. On traverse three, grid 040, the scanners detected a heat source in a structure about eleven miles, on a bearing of 121, from the mining company. Sulu identified the structure as Childress' quarters, and Spock believed the heat source could be a cook stove. In those quarters, McHuron had cooked a meal for Childress on the stove using a pan. With the information gained from the scanner, a landing party from the Enterprise visited the miner's quarters and retrieved the lithium crystals needed for powering the starship. (TOS: "Mudd's Women")

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