Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Galardonian base camp

Comm array being set up on Galardon

A communication array or subspace comm array was a small network of transmitting and receiving antennas, sometimes containing subspace amplifiers, designed to enhance or support communications through interstellar space. Communication arrays were often interconnected with sensor arrays and could be deployed as platforms in space, as essential components of starships, or in larger installations on planets.

A communication array could be individual installations such as Epsilon IX station, or linked into networks as in the Hirogen communications network. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture; VOY: "Message in a Bottle")

The Corado I transmitter array was a communication array. (DS9: "The Forsaken")

Communication arrays were a vital form of technology for interstellar travel and could have tremendous scientific as well as military value. The Dominion communication array on AR-558 was an example of the latter and was the focus of considerable resources during the Dominion War. (DS9: "The Siege of AR-558")

In 2380, the USS Cerritos visited Galardon, the capital planet of the Galar system to initiate second contact, which involved using a construction team to build and adjust a subspace comm array to allow the Galardonians to communicate with the Federation. (LD: "Second Contact")

The following year, an away team from the Cerritos set up a subspace comm array during a second contact mission to Apergos. (LD: "Strange Energies")

In the first draft script of DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil", Worf mentioned that he wanted the communications array of the USS Defiant (as well as the vessel's other shipboard systems) to be ready for the ship to depart from space station Deep Space 9 as soon as Captain Sisko arrived. In the final version of the episode, however, Worf instead talks about the ship's nadion emitters.
