Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Club Ingenue was an exclusive Parisian nightclub in the Julian Bashir, Secret Agent holoprogram. The club was the meeting place for Hippocrates Noah and sixty artisans and scientists from across Earth. From 1962 to 1964, every single person who met Noah there disappeared.

Julian Bashir, portraying himsrlf as a secret agent, encountered the assassin, Falcon, in the club, knocking him through a decorative panel of glass, and then shot him between the eyes with the cork of a wine bottle. Afterwards, he shared a glass with the suggestively clad girl, Caprice. He was, however, interrupted by the clapping hands of Elim Garak, who eventually joined Bashir on his mission.

Later, the two, joined by Anastasia Komananov (portrayed by Kira Nerys), with Bashir posing by the alias "Patrick Merriweather, revisited the location, where despite not having the required invitation, were allowed to meet Duchamps (portrayed by Worf). After Bashir beat Duchamps at baccarat, and winning the required fee to meet with Dr. Noah, Duchamps rendered them unconscious with a plume of white powder from his cigar. (DS9: "Our Man Bashir")
