Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A vehicle driving through a glade

Reed pursuits a novan

Reed passing a clearing

Akaali clearing

A clearing on the Akaali homeworld


A clearing in a forest near a city on Megas-Tu

"The choice is yours, my dear Robin. You can either take your ease here within the sylvan glade or risk your life to save a woman you care nothing about."
– Q, 2367 ("Qpid")

A glade or clearing was an open space in a forest, free of the trees that dominated the majority of the woodlands.

When Malcolm Reed pursued a Novan through the forest of Terra Nova until he arrived at the entrance to a cave, he passed several clearings. (ENT: "Terra Nova")

The clearings on Terra Nova were filmed on location at the Polsa Rosa Ranch in Acton, California. (Call sheets)

In 2151, a Malurian brought several crates to a small clearing in the forest on the Akaali homeworld by using a cart. He then contacted a Malurian shuttle which transported the crates aboard by using a tractor beam. (ENT: "Civilization")

According to the call sheet of the filming day, Friday 21 September 2001, the location "Ext. Forest Clearing" was built on Paramount Stage 9.

In 2256, while making a spore jump to the mirror universe, rather than the intended destination of Starbase 46, Paul Stamets said that there was a clearing in the forest. (DIS: "Into the Forest I Go")

Sometime later, while trapped in the mycelial network, Stamets saw what seemed to be a ghost or vision of his recently murdered partner Doctor Hugh Culber, who told him to get to the clearing. (DIS: "Vaulting Ambition")

Commanded by Acting Captain Saru, the USS Discovery spore jumped to the prime universe, because Stamets used the clearing in the mycelial forest to get them there. (DIS: "What's Past Is Prologue")

In the 2260s, there was a prominent glade on the Shore Leave Planet. In 2267, while the landing party from the Enterprise was having shore leave on that planet, they went to this glade a number of times. Doctor Leonard McCoy was even assaulted by a "Black Knight" in this glade. (TOS: "Shore Leave")

When Lucien teleported Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to Megas-Tu with his magic powers, they appeared in a clearing in a forest near a city. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu")

In 2367, while in Sherwood Forest, Jean-Luc Picard and the others on the away team were resting in a glade. (TNG: "Qpid")

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