Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Imperium Magistrate Clar was a male Prime from K'Tuevon Prime who lived during the late 24th century.

In 2379, the Romulan High Council captured Clar, keeping him in a stasis storage pod under guard on Romulus.

In 2380, the senior officers of the USS Cerritos participated in various covert efforts to retrieve a map of the Romulan Neutral Zone, steal a Romulan Bird-of-Prey, and break into a facility on Romulus to retrieve Clar and return him to K'Tuevon Prime. Upon returning, Clar arranged for Captain Carol Freeman and her senior staff to be honored during a history stone etching party, though a misunderstanding with Ensigns Brad Boimler, Beckett Mariner, D'Vana Tendi, and Sam Rutherford resulted in no etching being done. (LD: "Veritas")

Clar was voiced by Kurtwood Smith.
