Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of holograms of the holoprogram Paris 3.

For the real patrons of Chez Sandrine from whom Tom Paris based these holodeck characters on, see Chez Sandrine visitors.



Accordion player []

Chez sandrine accordion player

An accordion player

The accordion player was a character in Tom Paris' Chez Sandrine holodeck program.

He was playing the accordion when Tom Paris introduced Harry Kim to the program and made a break to welcome Paris. He later played for the gigolo who was flirting with the poet. (VOY: "The Cloud")

He was also playing the accordion when Captain Kathryn Janeway visited the program for the first time. (VOY: "Jetrel")

This musician was having a drink with a female bar patron when Tuvok and Kenneth Dalby had a pool match. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

He was present when the senior staff celebrated Kes' birthday with a surprise party at the bar and was among the holographic characters present when the distortion ring went through the holodeck. (VOY: "Twisted")

He witnessed several crewmembers of the Voyager placing their replicator rations in a betting pool run by Tom Paris. (VOY: "Meld")

He was playing at various tables when The Doctor took the holographic recreation of Danara Pel to Chez Sandrine to offer her some variety from sickbay. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

This musician was also playing at the bar when Tuvix had a game of pool against Harry Kim and Tom Paris. (VOY: "Tuvix")

The accordion player was played by recurring background actor and sideline musician Bob Mascagno who received no credit for his appearances. On the shooting schedule for "The Cloud", he is listed as "French Nobleman".

His costume was previously worn by actor Frank Novak in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Babel" and was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1]

Misspelled as "Bob Moscagno" twice and listed as "Musician", "Sideline Musician", and "Accordion Player" on the call sheets, he filmed his scenes for "The Cloud" on Tuesday 6 December 1994, "Jetrel" and "Learning Curve" on Wednesday 22 March 1995, "Twisted" between Monday 24 April 1995 and Friday 28 April 1995, "Meld" on Friday 17 November 1995, "Lifesigns" on Wednesday 3 January 1996, and "Tuvix" on Tuesday 6 February 1996 on Paramount Stage 16.

Alien bartender []

Chez sandrine alien bartender

An alien bartender

This alien bartender was a character in the holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne, run by The Doctor in 2375. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")

The bartender was played by background actor Bruce Reagan who received no credit for his appearance. He filmed his scenes on Wednesday 3 February 1999 and Thursday 4 February 1999 on Paramount Stage 9.

Alien patron []

Chez sandrine alien patron

An alien bar patron

This alien bar patron was a character in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne. He was sitting next to the pool table when Paris introduced Harry Kim to the program. He later had a drink at the bar. (VOY: "The Cloud")

This alien was played by background actor Marshal Silverman who received no credit for this appearance.

Identified by the call sheet as "Alien" with a handwritten note "Hook", Silverman filmed his scenes on Tuesday 6 December 1994 on Paramount Stage 16.

Artist []

Chez sandrine artist

An artist

This artist was a character in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne.

He had a game of pool with Gaunt Gary when Tom Paris brought Harry Kim into the program. He welcomed Paris like the other holograms. (VOY: "The Cloud")

He was also in the bar when Captain Janeway played a game of pool and when Tuvok had a pool match with Kenneth Dalby. (VOY: "Jetrel", "Learning Curve")

He witnessed several crewmembers of the Voyager placing their replicator rations in a betting pool run by Tom Paris. (VOY: "Meld")

He had a drink at the bar when The Doctor took the holographic recreation of Danara Pel to Chez Sandrine and when Tuvix had a pool match against Harry Kim and Tom Paris. (VOY: "Lifesigns", "Tuvix")

He was listening to The Doctor and Giuseppina Pentangeli performing "O, soave fanciulla". (VOY: "The Swarm")

The artist was played by recurring background actor Karl Laird who received no credit for his appearances.

Identified as "Artist" and "Patron" on the call sheets, he filmed his scenes for "The Cloud" on Tuesday 6 December 1994, "Jetrel" and "Learning Curve" on Wednesday 22 March 1995, "Meld" on Friday 17 November 1995, "Lifesigns" on Wednesday 3 January 1996, "Tuvix" on Tuesday 6 February 1996, and "The Swarm" on Thursday 1 August 1996 on Paramount Stage 16.

Bar patrons 1 []

These holographic bar patrons were characters in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne.

The first woman was sitting at a table and shared a drink with the accordion player. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

The second woman was dancing with the gigolo when she was eyed by The Doctor and the holographic recreation of Danara Pel. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

The third woman was at the bar talking to some other patrons when Tuvix had a pool match against Harry Kim and Tom Paris. (VOY: "Tuvix") Later, she was listening to The Doctor and Giuseppina Pentangeli performing "O, soave fanciulla". (VOY: "The Swarm")

Dory Kaplan is listed as "N.D. Woman" on the call sheet and filmed her scene for "Learning Curve" on Wednesday 22 March 1995 on Paramount Stage 16.

Gail Arias and her husband Jamie Arias worked as choreographers for the dancing sequences in "Lifesigns". Arias briefly appeared as dancing partner for the gigolo and filmed her scene on Wednesday 3 January 1996 on Paramount Stage 16.

Susette Andres is listed as "Patron" on the call sheets and filmed her scenes for "Tuvix" on Tuesday 6 February 1996 and for "The Swarm" on Thursday 1 August 1996 on Paramount Stage 16. She wore the same dress as Karole Nellis' Poet character and might be the same character though the call sheets did not indicate this.

Bar patrons 2 []

These holographic bar patrons were characters in the holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne, with slight modifications by The Doctor in 2375. They shared drinks and were dancing to the music from the piano man. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")

All patrons were played by background performers who filmed their scenes on Wednesday 3 February 1999 and Thursday 4 February 1999 on Paramount Stage 9.

The suits worn by Neal Kaz and Redondo Philip were later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay and were also worn by Matt McCoy in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Price" and by Dave Rossi in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "These Are the Voyages...". [2] [3]

Drinking woman []

Chez sandrine drinking woman

A drinking woman

This holographic woman was a character in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne.

She was standing next to the pool table and watched a game of pool played by the artist and Gaunt Gary. She welcomed Tom Paris when he entered the bar. (VOY: "The Cloud")

She was talking to other patrons when Neelix played pool at the bar and shared a drink with the poet when Tuvok played pool against Kenneth Dalby. (VOY: "Jetrel", "Learning Curve")

She sat down next to the pool table when Tom Paris started a betting pool for the crewmembers of the Voyager. (VOY: "Meld")

She was also having a drink at Chez Sandrine when The Doctor took the holographic recreation of Danara Pel into the bar. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

She was listening to The Doctor and Giuseppina Pentangeli performing "O, soave fanciulla". (VOY: "The Swarm")

This woman was played by recurring background actress Johnetta Anderson who received no credit for her appearances.

She was listed as "Drinking Woman", "Drinker", and "Bar Patron" on the call sheets and filmed her scenes for "The Cloud" on Tuesday 6 December 1994, "Jetrel" and "Learning Curve" on Wednesday 22 March 1995, "Meld" on Friday 17 November 1995, "Lifesigns" on Wednesday 3 January 1996, and "The Swarm" on Thursday 1 August 1996 on Paramount Stage 16. She also filmed scenes for the episode "Tuvix" on Tuesday 6 February 1996 but did not appear in the final episode.

Gigolo []

The gigolo was a hologram in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne. The gigolo's father was French and his mother was Daliwakan.

He would not leave Ricky, another hologram, alone. He explained that that was what he does. He also tried to seduce Kathryn Janeway when he asked her what her favorite song was so he could play it and dance with her. He told her that he wished to make love to her. He also wanted to know if she had money and asked Tuvok about it. (VOY: "The Cloud")

One year later, he attempted to dance with the holographic recreation of Danara Pel in hopes of seducing her. The Doctor told him to leave. He remarked that The Doctor was jealous because he could not dance. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

The Gigolo was played by Luigi Amodeo in "The Cloud" and by Rick Gianasi in "Lifesigns". Amodeo filmed his scenes on Tuesday 6 December 1994 on Paramount Stage 16. Gianasi filmed his scenes on Wednesday 3 January 1996 on Paramount Stage 16.

The character was listed as "Gigolo (Alien)" on the call sheet for "The Cloud" and as "Gigolo" on the sheet for "Lifesigns".

Gigolo's parents[]

The gigolo was a hybrid, having a Daliwakan mother and a Human father of French origin. (VOY: "The Cloud")

These parents were only mentioned in dialogue.

Markalian []

Markalian hologram

A holographic Markalian

A holographic Markalian opened the door and was just leaving Chez Sandrine laughing out loud when Tom Paris activated the program on the holodeck of the USS Voyager for the first time. (VOY: "The Cloud")

This holographic Markalian was played by background actor Martin Roadblock who filmed his scene on Tuesday 6 December 1994 on Paramount Stage 16.

The call sheet listed him as "Stevedore Alien" with a handwritten note "Asoth", named after the first named individual of this species in DS9: "Babel".

Piano man []

Chez sandrine piano man

A piano man

This piano man was playing the piano at Chez Sandrine in 2375 when The Doctor activated the program to train Seven of Nine in Human mating rituals. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")

The piano man was played by sideline musician Steve Rollins who received no credit for his appearance.

The call sheet for the day of filming, Wednesday 3 February 1999, featured the note "Note sideline musician work in picture as "piano man"" in the special instructions section.

Poet []

Chez sandrine poet

A poet

This female poet was a character in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne.

She was sitting at a table and flirting with the gigolo when Tom Paris brought Harry Kim to the bar. (VOY: "The Cloud")

She was also in the bar when Captain Janeway played a game of pool and shared a drink with another bar patron when Tuvok played pool against Kenneth Dalby. (VOY: "Jetrel", "Learning Curve")

She witnessed several crewmembers of the Voyager placing their replicator rations in a betting pool run by Tom Paris. (VOY: "Meld")

She was having a drink at the bar when The Doctor took the holographic recreation of Danara Pel to the bar. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

This woman was played by recurring background actress Karole Nellis who received no credit for her appearances.

She was listed as "Poet" and "Bar Patron" on the call sheets and her name was also listed as Kara Lee Nellis and C. Nellis. The shooting schedule for "The Cloud" listed her as "Beat Poet".

She filmed her scenes for "The Cloud" on Tuesday 6 December 1994, "Jetrel" and "Learning Curve" on Wednesday 22 March 1995, "Meld" on Friday 17 November 1995, and "Lifesigns" on Wednesday 3 January 1996 on Paramount Stage 16.

Waiter 1 []

Chez sandrine waiter

A waiter

This waiter was a character in Tom Paris' holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne.

He welcomed Tom Paris at the bar when Paris brought Harry Kim to the bar. He later cared for Gaunt Gary and assisted him putting on his jacket. He then served drinks. (VOY: "The Cloud")

He was again serving drinks at the bar when Neelix and Captain Janeway played pool at the bar. (VOY: "Jetrel")

The waiter was cleaning glasses and talking to the artist when Tuvok played pool against Kenneth Dalby. (VOY: "Learning Curve")

He was present when the senior staff celebrated Kes' birthday with a surprise party at the bar and was among the holographic characters present when the distortion ring went through the holodeck. (VOY: "Twisted")

He witnessed several crewmembers of the Voyager placing their replicator rations in a betting pool run by Tom Paris. (VOY: "Meld")

He was also present serving drinks at the bar when The Doctor took the holographic recreation of Danara Pel to the bar. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

He was working at the bar again when Tuvix played a pool match against Harry Kim and Tom Paris. (VOY: "Tuvix")

He was listening to The Doctor and Giuseppina Pentangeli performing "O, soave fanciulla". (VOY: "The Swarm")

The waiter was played by recurring background actor James Delano who received no credit for his appearances. He was also listed as "Bartender" on the call sheets of his last appearances.

Delano filmed his scenes for "The Cloud" on Tuesday 6 December 1994, "Jetrel" and "Learning Curve" on Wednesday 22 March 1995, "Twisted" between Monday 24 April 1995 and Friday 28 April 1995, "Meld" on Friday 17 November 1995, "Lifesigns" on Wednesday 3 January 1996, "Tuvix" on Tuesday 6 February 1996, and "The Swarm" on Thursday 1 August 1996 on Paramount Stage 16.

Waiter 2 []

Chez sandrine waiter, 2375

A waiter

This waiter was a character in the holodeck program depicting Chez Sandríne, run by The Doctor in 2375. He served lobsters to Seven of Nine and William Chapman during their date. (VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")

The waiter was played by background actor Rick Evans who received no credit for his appearance. He filmed his scenes on Wednesday 3 February 1999 and Thursday 4 February 1999 on Paramount Stage 9.
