Memory Alpha
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The Chalnoth were an aggressive humanoid species native to the planet Chalna.


The Chalnoth were a formidable humanoid species. They were large, hairy beings with a fearsome appearance, often described as nasty-looking brutes. They possessed a muscular build, including two sets of protruding tusks, giving them an intimidating presence. Their eyes appear red and yellow, contributing to their animal-like aura.

Chalnoth were classified as carnivores, relying on a meat-based diet for sustenance. However, their dietary requirements were unique, and they could not consume typical edible substances, such as the 'edible' discs provided by Esoqq's alien abductors. Instead, they could subsist on the flesh of humanoids or even sustain themselves with the unconventional choice of a Bonsai tree. Notably the Chalnoth had a short window for survival without food, typically lasting only three to four days. (TNG: "Allegiance")

Society and Culture[]

Chalnoth society stood in stark contrast to many other known civilizations, as it operated in a state of complete anarchy. The Chalnoth did not subscribe to any form of government or centralized authority. Instead, their society adhered to a ruthless ethos where only the strongest individuals thrived. This cutthroat environment fostered a culture of self-reliance and dominance, where physical prowess and survival instincts were paramount. Cooperation and collaboration were rare, as each Chalnoth had to fend for themselves in a harsh and unforgiving world. (TNG: "Allegiance")

In the Chalnoth language, the name Esoqq meant "fighter". (TNG: "Allegiance")


The history of the Chalnoth is shrouded in mystery, with limited information available in official records. The planet remained inhabited by the Chalnoths, who persisted in their anarchistic ways, despite the absence of a structured government or recorded history.

While commanding the USS Stargazer in 2354, Captain Jean-Luc Picard visited Chalna. (TNG: "Allegiance")

In 2366, a Chalnoth named Esoqq was abducted and replaced with a replica by a hitherto unknown species along with Jean-Luc Picard and the Mizarian Kova Tholl in a covert experiment to study their different attitudes towards authority, which included the impostor Bolian Mitena Haro. Esoqq's attitude, typical of his people, was that authority was not needed. Food given to Esoqq while imprisoned was poison for him, designed to agitate the others. He was the first to cast suspicion that one of the others was an impostor, mostly focused on Tholl, as he saw him as a collaborator. He helped open the door and was punished alongside the others. Esoqq was released from imprisonment along with his fellow abductees after Picard exposed the experiment. (TNG: "Allegiance")

In 2371, the location of Chalna was labeled in the star chart Data and Picard were studying in stellar cartography aboard the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek Generations, okudagram)

In 2381, Coqqor was the commanding officer of a Chalnoth ship tasked with studying a rare nebula. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")

A sample container from the mirror universe marked "Chalnoth-647, Beta Quadrant" was left behind in the ISS Enterprise sickbay by a group of Terran refugees fleeing to the prime universe. Captain Michael Burnham and L'ak would later bump against the containers during a fight aboard the Enterprise, trapped and abandoned in a pocket of interdimensional space, in 3191. (DIS: "Mirrors")

The sample containers were illegible on screen, but visible in publicity photos. [1]


The Chalnoth vehemently rejected the concept of government, making their society one of the few examples of anarchy in the known galaxy. With no central authority or governing body, every Chalnoth was responsible for their own well-being and survival. This lack of governance fostered a highly competitive and individualistic culture, where power dynamics were constantly shifting based on physical strength and resourcefulness. (TNG: "Allegiance")


Information regarding Chalnoth technology and advancements is sparse in available records. Their focus on individual survival and the absence of a centralized society likely limited their technological progress. However, in 2381, a Chalnoth named Coqqor was noted as the commanding officer of a Chalnoth ship involved in a scientific mission to study a rare nebula. (LD: "Something Borrowed, Something Green")






Background information[]

For this species, the script described "Esoqq (of the Chalnoth race) – a large, hairy, nasty-looking brute of an alien. Bad-tempered... and if his sharp teeth are any indication, a meat-eater."

The makeup designed for the Chalnoth, which Michael Westmore once termed "a beast-man," was elaborate and highly uncomfortable. Said Westmore, "His makeup was broken down into several different pieces, including two sets of protruding tusks, and special contact lenses which made his eyes red and yellow, more animal-like. The lenses could only be worn for a short period of time, and we had to have a technician standing by to remove them." (Star Trek: The Next Generation Makeup FX Journal, p. 66)

The DS9 novel Warpath features a Chalnoth character called Grauq (β).

A species called the Chalnoth, also described as tall, warlike humanoids, appears in a Doctor Who audio play titled The Havoc of Empires.

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