Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ch'Targh was a male Klingon officer of the 24th century Klingon Empire. In 2374, he served as a bridge officer on the IKS Rotarran under General Martok during the Dominion War.

After Alexander Rozhenko was transferred to the Rotarran, Ch'Targh took an interest in provoking him when he learned he was the son of First Officer Worf. He baited Alexander mercilessly about it, feeling that Alexander's combat training was lacking, resulting in a fight in the mess hall that was broken up by Worf. Ch'Targh later joined Alexander in emergency repairs during a battle with the Jem'Hadar. During it, Ch'Targh – along with the rest of the Rotarran crew – came to respect Alexander. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters")

Ch'Targh was played by Sam Zeller.

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