Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of personnel who served aboard the USS Carlsbad.


Crew manifest[]

Name Rank Position Division Dates Species
Cor'Dee Ensign Lower decker Operations 2381 Zaldan
Kearns Ensign Lower decker Command 2381 Human
Maier Captain Commanding officer Command 2381 Human
Young Ensign Lower decker Command 2381 Tellarite


Antaran ensign []

Carlsbad Antaran ensign

An Antaran ensign

This male sciences division Antaran ensign was in the bar aboard the USS Cerritos during the joint celebration thrown by Captains Maier and Carol Freeman following the arrest of Doctor Holden and the Scrubble emissary. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")

Human ensigns []

These Human ensigns were in the bar aboard the USS Cerritos during the joint celebration thrown by Captains Maier and Carol Freeman following the arrest of Doctor Holden and the Scrubble emissary. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")

Trill ensign []

Carlsbad Trill ensign

A Trill ensign

This female command division Trill ensign was in the bar aboard the USS Cerritos during the joint celebration thrown by Captains Maier and Carol Freeman following the arrest of Doctor Holden and the Scrubble emissary. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")

Vulcan commander []

Carlsbad Vulcan commander

A Vulcan commander

This female command division Vulcan commander, who served aboard the USS Carlsbad in 2381, presumably as first officer, was present at the peace treaty negotiations aboard the USS Cerritos between the Scrubble and Outpost 76 scientists. Later, she was in the Cerritos' bar when Lieutenant Commander Steve Stevens attempted to hit on her with a story about his near death experience. (LD: "Mining The Mind's Mines")
