Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of personnel who inhabited Hutet labor camp, including prison personnel and their prisoners.


Unnamed personnel[]

Hutet guards []

Several guards were stationed at the Hutet labor camp in 2370, when Major Kira Nerys and Chief O'Brien rescued several Bajoran prisoners, including Li Nalas. Some of them were shot by Kira and O'Brien, one fell down a large hill. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

These Cardassian guards were played by stunt performers and background actors, who received no credit for their appearance.

Hutet overseer []

Hutet Cardassian overseer

A Cardassian overseer

This overseer was stationed at the Hutet labor camp in 2370.

He allowed Kira Nerys past the security force field, as she was posing as a prostitute. Kira attacked him and lowered the security field. She and Miles O'Brien rescued many Bajoran prisoners, including Li Nalas. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

The overseer was played by Star Trek regular John Fleck, who received no credit for his appearance.

The Star Trek Customizable Card Game gives his name as Dakol.

Unnamed prisoners[]

Prisoners []

These Bajoran prisoners worked in the Hutet labor camp on Cardassia IV in 2370. They were rescued by Major Kira Nerys and Chief Miles O'Brien who searched for Li Nalas. A few of them, including Borum stayed on the planet and defended Li from the Cardassian guards. The prisoners who stayed behind were subsequently returned to Bajor. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

The Bajoran prisoners were played by background performers and stunt performers who received no credit for their appearance.
