Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

For the series, please see The Adventures of Captain Proton.
"Captain Proton, Spaceman First Class, Protector of Earth, Scourge of Intergalactic Evil, at your service!"

Captain Proton was the protagonist of the holo-novel The Adventures of Captain Proton, a story created by USS Voyager crewmember Tom Paris. In the story, Proton has a sidekick named Buster Kincaid – played by Harry Kim on a number of occasions – and a secretary named Constance Goodheart. He fought against the "evil forces" of Doctor Chaotica and Queen Arachnia.

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Appearances and references[]

Background information[]

While the episode "Night" was undergoing initial development, the name of this character was "Captain Galaxy". He was originally called that in the final draft script of "Night" (as of 29 May 1998), though his name was changed to "Captain Proton" by the time the eighth revision to that final draft teleplay was issued (on 2 July 1998).

The jetpack of the costume was sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1]


Captain Proton has been featured in at least one complete Captain Proton story that has been written in the real world – Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth, by Dean Wesley Smith. He presumed that, in the Star Trek universe, the holo-novel Captain Proton was adapted from a supposed 1930s pulp magazine, and set out to write and publish that story.

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