Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Freeman Day was an annual holiday aboard the USS Cerritos celebrating Captain Carol Freeman. It was mostly thought of by the crew as a "craft day for toddlers." (LD: "First First Contact")

In 2380, when it was revealed to the crew that Ensign Beckett Mariner was Captain Freeman's daughter, Ensign Sam Rutherford commented to Ensign D'Vana Tendi that "Captain Freeman Day is going to be super awkward this year." (LD: "No Small Parts")

In 2381, Ensign Brad Boimler made a large banner for Captain Freeman Day, despite being told by several people that it was a holiday for children. In the wake of their successful first contact mission to Lapeeria, he altered his banner to read "Happy First Contact" and hung it in the ship's bar. (LD: "First First Contact")

Captain Freeman Day is modeled after Captain Picard Day.
