Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Calcium is a chemical element, number 20 on the periodic table. (TOS: "The Omega Glory") Bone decalcification was a sign of aging. (VOY: "Scientific Method")

During a scan of Aldean DNA in 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher was able to confirm that inefficiencies in calcium resorption were not responsible for the Aldeans' sterility. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks")

Calcium left trace patterns by which a doctor could establish a time period in which bones had been broken. Beverly Crusher used this method to learn that Jono had broken his arm and fractured two of his ribs in 2360. (TNG: "Suddenly Human")

A sudden decrease of serum calcium levels increased muscle spasm. This was a side effect of radiation poisoning. The pain caused by this could be counteracted by asinolyathin. Chief Miles O'Brien suffered from this ailment when he experienced a series of visions in 2371. (DS9: "Visionary")

As established in a deleted scene from "The Menagerie, Part II", calcium was a primary component of Human perspiration. [1]

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