Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Danilo Odell

Danilo Odell, leader of the Bringloidi

The Bringloidi were a group of Humans who settled on the planet Bringloid V in the Ficus sector sometime in the early 22nd century, after departing Earth aboard the SS Mariposa. They established the Bringloid V colony.

Bringloidi on transporter platform

A group of 24th century Bringloidi

The Bringloidi were a group of primarily Irish descent, who left Earth as part of the Neo-Transcendentalist movement that followed World War III and First Contact. Despite their rejection of technology, the colony prospered due to the Bringloidi's use of traditional techniques for providing their own textiles and food with equipment and animals brought on the Mariposa. They reached a population of 225 by 2365.

In 2365, the Bringloidi, led by Danilo Odell, were forced to evacuate aboard the USS Enterprise-D due to increased solar flare activity in their star system. At Captain Jean-Luc Picard's suggestion, they eventually merged with the clone-based society of the Mariposans, also descended from those on the Mariposa. The Mariposans needed a large genetic base to survive, and the Bringloidi could provide that, however, it meant that each woman, from both groups, had to have at least three children by three different men. It also meant that monogamous marriages would not be possible for several generations. Odell agreed to the arrangement. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder")

The "Bringloidi" name is seemingly derived from the Irish Gaelic "brionglóid," one of the words for "dream." (citation needed • edit)


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