Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Breen interceptors.

By commander[]

By encounter[]

Earth attack force []

Breen over San Francisco

Breen over San Fracisco

This attack force attacked Earth during the Breen's first strike against the Federation upon their joining an alliance with the Dominion.

Following the attack, Starfleet destroyed most of the attack force, but it was too late for them to prevent the attack on Starfleet Headquarters. General Martok gave the Breen credit for their brazen attack, acknowledging that "even my people never attempted that."

While the Dominion praised the victory, Legate Damar pointed out to Thot Gor that "it's unfortunate that so few of your ships survived the assault." Weyoun chided Damar's response, telling him, "leave it to you, Damar, to point out the one cloud in the sky," before agreeing with Gor that the loss of those ships was "a very small price for such an important victory." (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

Second Battle of Chin'toka fleet []

Dominion fleet at Chintoka

Several battle cruisers at Chin'toka (upper left).

These ships were present at the retaking of the Chin'toka system. These ships lead the attack with their energy dissipaters on the Federation Alliance assault fleet. At least one ship was destroyed by the USS Defiant before they annihilated the Alliance fleet. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

Ship attacking Damar's fighter []

Damar's attack ship

The ship near Damar's attack ship

After Damar was lured to Cardassia Prime by Gul Revok, this ship help destroyed the Jem'Hadar attack ship that Damar, Kira Nerys, and Elim Garak had used to reach Cardassia. (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

Battle of Cardassia fleet []

Dominion fleet in Cardassian system

Breen forces

These interceptors fought against the Federation Alliance in the Invasion of Cardassia. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Interceptor attacking the USS Defiant []

One interceptor in particular attacked the USS Defiant shortly before the Breen-Dominion Alliance withdrew to Cardassia Prime. It was destroyed by a Galor-class warship when the Cardassian military switched sides to the Federation Alliance during the Invasion of Cardassia. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Interceptor attacking a Miranda-class starship []

Miranda class Breen ship

...attacking a Miranda-class ship

Another interceptor chased a Miranda-class starship when the Dominion forces began their retreat to Cardassia Prime. It broke off its attack and joined the fleet at Cardassia Prime. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Cardassia Prime defense perimeter []

Dominion fleet regroups at Cardassia Prime

Defense perimeter ships

The surviving interceptors later fell back and formed a Dominion defense perimeter around Cardassia Prime after the Dominion retreat from the Battle of Cardassia with the Federation Alliance. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Brekka invasion force []

Breen interceptors surrounding the Cerritos

Breen interceptors surrounding the Cerritos

These three interceptors were involved with the invasion of Brekka and later attack on the USS Cerritos in 2381. These interceptors were later destroyed by the USS Aledo. (LD: "Trusted Sources ", "The Stars At Night")
