Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Breen was an inhabited planet in the Breen system, located in the Alpha Quadrant. As the homeworld of the Breen, a warp-capable humanoid species, it was the capital planet of the Breen Confederacy and, in 2375, was allied with the Dominion. Later, in the 3190' s, it became the capital planet of the Breen Imperium (DIS: "Mirrors").

Little was known about the planet Breen, but it was widely believed to be a frozen wasteland. (DS9: "Indiscretion", "For the Uniform", "What You Leave Behind")


During the Klingon Second Empire, Chancellor Mow'ga ordered an entire fleet of Klingon warships to invade and conquer the Breen homeworld. The fleet never returned and was never heard from again. (DS9: "'Til Death Do Us Part")

In 2375, Breen allied itself with the Dominion, and joined the Dominion War. After joining, they struck a heavy blow to the Federation Alliance fleet (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil").

Climate and geography[]

Not much is known about the climate of Breen, outside of conjure and rumor. Many members of the Federation and Cardassian Union believe the planet to be a cold, frozen wasteland, while others in the Breen-Dominion Alliance claimed that Breen, in fact, had a temperate climate. (DS9: "Crossfire", "Return to Grace", "Shattered Mirror", "The Changing Face of Evil")


Background information[]

In the first draft script of "One Little Ship", Ixtana'Rax mentioned this planet upon threatening a pair of Jem'Hadar guards who, under Kudak'Etan's supervision, had brutalized Captain Benjamin Sisko. Ixtana'Rax told them, "If this man is struck again, by anyone, you will both be reduced six ranks and assigned to escort the wives of Cardassian diplomats on inspection tours of the Breen homeworld." Indicating the seriousness of this threat, the script's stage directions then likened this to "being ordered to guard a weather observation station at Point Barrow, Alaska."

At a time when the only character to have referred to Breen as "a frozen wasteland" was Dukat (in the episode "Indiscretion"), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Official Poster Magazine (No. 4) reckoned that, considering the metabolism of Cardassians, the fact Dukat had referred to the planet that way might mean it was actually "just about right for Humans."

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 36), Breen was a P-class planet (the class was conjectural). The dominant species was the humanoid Breen. Information was not available on when the Breen became warp-capable, the world's population, or even the name of the capital.

In the Decipher RPG book Worlds, the star system of the Breen homeworld was identified as a binary system, Beta Epsilon Venturi system. It was the seventh planet in its home system.


In Legends of the Ferengi, Quark offers ski trips on Breen.

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