Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

The bore worm was a small lifeform native to the rogue planet Dakala. They were known to crawl into one's ear at night to lay their eggs.

In 2151, before a mission to Dakala, Trip Tucker told Malcolm Reed and Hoshi Sato that he was relieved the planet's bugs were bioluminescent, as he was going to be sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag. Sato and Reed reminded him that not all of them were so visible, like the bore worms. Sato then mentioned the worms' habits, before wishing Tucker a "nice night". (ENT: "Rogue Planet")

In 3191, Doctor Tracy Pollard told Commander Rayner that the worst thing she had ever seen in sickbay was a Bynar with a Dakalan bore worm eating its synaptic processor. (DIS: "Jinaal")

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