Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

DaiMon Birta was a Ferengi government official contacted by Captain Jean-Luc Picard in 2370 regarding the status of DaiMon Bok.

Birta told him Bok had been stripped of his title of DaiMon and had been incarcerated at Rog Prison in 2364, though he later bought his way out around 2368 and was most recently seen in the Dorias Cluster. When Picard expressed his dismay, given the cluster's vast size, Birta responded, "You don't have to thank me, Captain." (TNG: "Bloodlines")

Birta was played by actor Peter Slutsker.

According to the script, DaiMon Birta was "speaking from a Ferengi ship's Bridge, and behind him we see a BANNER that bears his personal crest." Additionally, the pronunciation given for his name was "BERR-tuh". [1]
